Welcome to Righteous Antidote
Take a look around and let us know how we can serve you. Our life's mission is to bring the MANIFEST PRESENCE of God into the hearts and minds of every nation by pointing them directly to Jesus. Be it by song, life applications, prayers, or an encouraging word. Here at Righteous Antidote we provide musical solutions through music production, song writing, arranging, keyboard accompaniment, and seminar/ workshop speaking. We offer organ coaching courses (Incomparable Chord Creation). And we are very passionate about our weekly "Spirit Lifestyle" training & teaching sessions. Our goal is to cultivate, empower and train the body of Christ.

The "Journal Of Miracles" is a book sharing Elisha's journey of stepping out in faith into a whirlwind of demonstrations of God's supernatural power. This book is full of real stories, real people, real miracles and a real God! It's explosive and encouraging to walk through each encounter with Jesus. This book is for you, if you are ready to see more of God's power in your life.
"Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes." Romans 12:2

Music Production
Our sincere endeavor is to produce the sound of Heaven in the earth. We are humbled to have over 30+ years of experience serving in music ministry. Book with us for all your music production, song writing, arranging, keyboard accompaniment & organ approach coaching needs. Stay connected for new music releases.
Our RA Miracle Hub is available for scheduling prayers of deliverance and healing. We are honored to stand in faith with you for freedom from any bondage and oppression. We believe that faith can and will be built up mightily through prayers and "Psalming Out-loud". Miracles are activated by someone who simply believes.
We believe in living a Holy Spirit centered lifestyle. In everything we amass be it family, marriage, parenting, careers or ministry Jesus should be clearly seen. It is the joy of our lives to share our experiences openly the way the Holy Spirit teaches us on this journey. Stay connected for teachings and blogs.
Teachers & Bloggers
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